Ivan Tadeu Ferreira Antunes Filho


I am a Software Engineer at Google Cambridge, previously Head of Algorithms at Radix Labs, and worked at Facebook, Quantlab, and Indeed.com.

Master of Engineering in Computer Science, from MIT, with a degree in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics also from MIT.

I've worked primarily in Algorithms and Performance, and secondarily in Systems and Toolchains, but I have also worked with user interfaces and data visualization tools.

Previous work includes

Originally from Brazil, which I represented in multiple International Science Olympiads. IPhO and IJSO gold medalist, IOAA, IOL, WoPhO and OIaB Silver medalist.

I am a jack of all trades, constantly learning about new areas so I can better interface with people. My background competing in physics, biology, linguistics, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics and informatics, together with graduating in electrical engineering, computer science and mathematics gives me a good interdisciplinary background to approach problems.

I also have experience helping take care of multiple types of animals, including armadillos, anteaters, parrots and toucans. My main current hobby is ballroom dancing.

You can learn more about me on my About page, check my resume, or contact me on ivanaf @ alum . mit . edu.

Check my Portfolio, with information about some previous projects, or check my archive, which contains reflections and resources.