
Winding number in geometric algebra

January 08, 2021 Updated: January 08, 2021

From the wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winding_number#Complex_analysis, we can see the definition of winding number in complex analysis. 2 dimensions And so we can adapt it to geometric al… ...more

Make cheap headphones sound better on linux / ubuntu

July 23, 2020 Updated: July 23, 2020

Cheap headphones sound bad because their frequency response is all messed up. You can considerably improve this by using an equalizer. Assuming you are using pulseaudio. First, install pulseeffects a… ...more

A game from the past

November 28, 2019 Updated: July 23, 2022

I've ported an old game I made in inform7 to javascript. It is filled with teenager angst, because I made the game in order to deal with some problems I was having back them. Alone in the darkness by … ...more

Me and animals

November 27, 2019 Updated: June 29, 2020

Pictures of me with animals! Usually in open spaces! Each of them with a story behind them! From recent to old. ...more

Baby deer

November 06, 2019 Updated: November 06, 2019

Taking care of a baby deer. College app essay, partially erased and adapted to protect personal information. Baby deer When I was fourteen, I was designated the responsibility of caring for a rescued… ...more

Animating gifs in orgmode

May 25, 2019 Updated: May 25, 2019

Makes gif animated in orgmode. From the org-inline-image package, with minimal modification ( the only change is testing if the figure is an image by checking the 'org-image-overlay, instead of the cu… ...more

Automatic Latex Fragment Toggling in org-mode

May 25, 2019 Updated: May 25, 2019

Automatic toggle latex fragments in orgmode when point is in them. I found a solution by Konstantin Kliakhandler, based on a solution premade by John Kitchin. The code worked fine, however, it was fai… ...more


May 24, 2019 Updated: August 19, 2023

This is the code that runs this blog! I might as well have it here as well! #! /bin/sh ":"; exec emacs --no-site-file --script "$0" "$@" # -*-emacs-lisp-*- ;; Th… ...more

i3wm screencasting gifs

May 24, 2019 Updated: May 25, 2019

I read an amazing comment on reddit about how to very easily record the screen into gifs and I'll report it here with some improvements. All of this can be used in any other window manager, as long as… ...more

Baby white-woodpeckers are dumb

April 21, 2019 Updated: July 28, 2020

So during my life I have helped take care of multiple birds (bem-te-vis, parrots, toucans, large hawks, tiny hawks, vultures, sparrows, doves, humming birds, canaries, woodpeckers, etc), usually baby … ...more

Organizing an IAP class

April 21, 2019 Updated: April 21, 2019

This IAP others 6.006 TAs and I organized 6.s092! Mid semester I went to a SIPB meeting where they were discussing IAP classes and I decided that I decided that organizing a class would be a great ide… ...more

Solving a problem set with orgmode

September 17, 2018 Updated: February 28, 2019

After I wrote my last two tiny projects, Scan with webcam, and Export Subtree with files I was ready to do one of my psets in org mode. It was absolutely fantastic. Scanning images with my webcam made… ...more

Scan notes with laptop webcam

September 16, 2018 Updated: July 26, 2020

I was solving a pset, and realized that I needed to draw a graph by hand and include it in my solution. I didn't want to deal with taking a picture with my phone and sending the picture to my computer… ...more

Export subtree with files

September 13, 2018 Updated: July 26, 2020

Update: Now this is on on github, in the repo org-export-with-files. It is fairly usable and fairly useful. The next step is to figure out how to best deal with custom links. Summary I have a main org… ...more

Simple proof weak master theorem

September 12, 2018 Updated: July 26, 2020

For a 006 student piazza question. Te student liked my answer so I decided to share! Work per level: Suppose you have: $$T(n) = a T(n/b) + n^c$$ The amount of work done on the root of the tree is: $$n… ...more

Hello world!

September 09, 2018 Updated: July 26, 2020

I've always felt that I am more productive when I share my work or study with others. This caused me to have 3 main blogs/websites in the past. 1 was focused in national and international science ol… ...more

Emacs drag-drop pdfs, paste html, custom templates

August 19, 2018 Updated: July 26, 2020

UPDATE: This documents my first experience with programming in elisp. In restrospect, I was really bad at it. This post then shows that you can still make something with elisp even if you are bad at i… ...more

Led Panel

March 16, 2016 Updated: July 26, 2020

My friends and I built an led matrix with 30x60 pixels. This post will focus mainly on the software, but first, let's skim through the hardware. Material: 70 meters of ws2812 strips A 90 amps, 5v pow… ...more

Linear Panorama

December 13, 2015 Updated: July 26, 2020

Summary: Photographing linear panoramas of murals, in a place with poor light conditions, and short distance to the wall. Intro Photographing the murals in my dorm is a really challenging task. The di… ...more

College essays reblog

March 29, 2013 Updated: November 17, 2019

This is a reblog from my old blog. The missing college essay that was too personal is the one that was adapted to the baby deer post. I was admitted in Harvard, MIT, Yale and Princeton :) [2013-03-29… ...more